Welcome to New Christians!!!!! :)


The purpose of this section of the web site is to help you to grow into the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to hopefully answer many of the questions you might have concerning knowing our Lord better, and how to conduct yourself before Him. Just click on the link to the study you wish to see below.

There will be more studies added as the Lord directs, but if you have a question that isn't covered by a study, or if you are confused about a particular study or an issue not covered in the site, please feel free to ask questions. I will answer them as swiftly, and as honestly as I can. :) If I don't get an answer to you right away, please don't be discouraged. I'll answer as soon as I can.

Again, welcome in Jesus' name, and enjoy the Web site!!!!!!

In Christ Jesus,

Watchmen :)



I'm a new Christian, what do I do now?

The Garden of Eden - How it all began


Why did Jesus have to die for our sins?

How can we know that Jesus is indeed the promised Messiah?

Blaspheming the Holy Spirit - Can it be forgiven?


Questions? Comments? E-mail: watchmen_777@yahoo.com


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